Pulling Teeth with Annette Siketa

Pulling Teeth with Annette Siketa

Women In Horror Month is about over. As we celebrate the terrific women writers in the horror genre, Sinister Grin Press would like to take this time to introduce you to our latest release writer, Annette Siketa.

Where are you from?

England originally, but emigrated to Australia some 40 years ago.

Tell us your latest news?

The bathroom plumbing needs fixing.    

What inspired you to write your first book?

I was a dressmaker and a designer of bridal gowns until a routine eye operation in March 2005 went spectacularly pear-shaped. Nine months later I was totally blind. My grandson was then four years old, and unable to read books to him, I would invent silly stories to keep him amused.
Then, late on Christmas Day 2006, whilst everyone was boozing outside, I put my grandson to bed and made up a story about a girl and a magical doll’s house.
Now, you know how you can get a song stuck in your head? It was the same with me and the story, and the more I thought about it the more it developed, and by New Year’s Day I had written the first three chapters.
I knew absolutely nothing about professional writing. But, thanks to audio books, I listened and learned. It’s amazing how much information you can glean from the way a person talks, pauses, and breathes.
From a publishing standpoint, The Doll’s House was an unmitigated disaster. Nevertheless, I blundered on and have now written ten books, (with at least that many in the pipe line), hundreds of short stories, and snaffled at least a dozen awards.

Being blind, how do you write books?
On the practical side, I use a text-to-speech program called ‘Jaws’, which enables me to use and navigate around a computer, including the Internet, with considerable ease. Information on Jaws can be found at www.freedomscientific.com

On the creative side, well that’s a little more difficult to explain. Try this experiment. Put on your favorite movie and watch it blindfolded. As you already ‘know’ the movie – who does what where & when etc, your mind compensates for the lack of visualization by filling in the ‘blanks’. Now try it with something you’ve never seen before. Not so easy to fill in the blanks now, is it?

By this point you’re probably going bonkers with frustration – hee hee, welcome to my world! Do not remove the blindfold. Instead, allow your imagination to wander and compensate for the lack of visualization. This will give you an idea of how I write books. It’s like creating a movie in my head and then writing it down. Oh if only Steven Spielberg could read minds!

What books have most influenced your life?
I don’t know about ‘influence’, but even before I started writing, books that were ‘over descriptive’ drove me up the wall. It is not necessary to describe every nuance of a scene to make it comprehensible.
Back in the early 1980’s (I think), a book titled ‘A Woman of Substance’ by Barbara Taylor Bradford, was so thick that it could have been used as a doorstop. And little wonder when the author took almost an entire page to describe the colour of some curtains. They were olive green by the way.
Most readers just want to get on with the story, and bombarding them with irrelevant facts and details is a big ‘turn-off’. Or to put it another way, it might look clever on paper to describe the shape and colour of a strawberry, but not only is it superfluous, it’s an insult to the reader’s intelligence.

Are there any new authors that have grasped your interest?

Not especially.

Can you share a little of your current Sinister Grin Press work with us?
My current book, The Sisterhood – Curse of Abbot Hewitt, was written more or less by accident. As previously mentioned, my first novel was The Doll’s House, and over the years as my writing improved so did the story. I wanted to make it as authentic as possible, and this involved long hours on the Internet researching many aspects of the supernatural. I kept encountering some really serious and weird websites that contained information either too sensitive or awful for children. Nevertheless, I made notes and stored them in a file for future reference.
In mid 2015, I read about a gothic fantasy competition with a lucrative first prize, and having not accessed my ‘spooky’ file in almost three years, I opened it up and began to read. I was astounded how much information I had collected. There were 23 pages of notes, and as I began sorting through them, the idea for a genuine witchcraft novel based on documented cases, began to suggest itself. Voila! The Sisterhood was born.
I was very lucky. Without a word of a lie, I literally finished the novel one day, and submitted it to SGP the next. Several weeks later, it was accepted.

How did you come up with the title?

It suggested itself.

Do you have any strange writing habits (like standing on your head or writing naked while eating peanut butter)?

Being blind, I live in a world of darkness. Even so, I prefer to work through the night.

Is there one subject you would never write about as an author?

Two actually – romance, and what I term ‘social commentary’. For example, junkie sees friend die from overdose and then battles inner demons in order to get clean.

What is your biggest fear?                                             

That I’ll trip over my cat and break my neck.

What do you want your tombstone to say?

Nothing, I want to be cremated.

Do you dream? Do you have any recurring dreams/nightmares?
Yes to both. And yes, blind people do dream, and in colour. I find that when I have a difficult choice to make about something, my dreams usually reflect my uncertainty. I also believe in the premise that if you go to sleep on a problem, then nine times out of ten, you’ll wake up with a solution. Of course it might not be the solution you want, but sometimes the sub-conscious is a better guide than gut instinct.

A vengeful monk, three angry witches, and an evil ruby ring.

In 1536, during Henry VIII’s dissolution of the monasteries, an Abbot is unjustly hanged. Before dying, he places a malediction on the daughter of an alleged warlock.

Now, eighty-four years later, an acrimonious dispute between three witches is heating up in the village of Holton. Lies, deceit, and intrigue are rife among them, and eventually, one of the witches falls under the protection of the Abbot’s ghost.

Meanwhile, the warlock is now a demonic entity and master manipulator, with his own ideas about destroying the witches. His evil zealousness in this pursuit sparks a series of horrific events, with ramifications destined to endure throughout the next five centuries.


Pulling Teeth with Scott Carpenter

Pulling Teeth with Scott Carpenter

Scott Carpenter is one of the few cover artists Sinister Grin Press uses to help create and keep the unique and diversified look of our many book covers. We take this time to get to know him and to say thanks for the great work.

Where are you from?

Bay Area, California.

Tell us your latest news?

Been doing a LOT of cover art (which I love) for publishers and friends and writing articles for InDtale magazine.

What art do you most identify with?

Art, all kinds. I’m a fan of all mediums from cartoons to fine art, photography to painting. It shows such talent to make something from nothing.

What work do you most enjoying doing?

Love HORROR and dark covers. Like bringing stories to life with images.

Describe a real-life situation that inspired you?

Since this is about art I’d have to say I was doing a series of covers for an author. Up and coming. She didn’t know what she wanted and said it was hard to explain her story. I read the request and the blurb and an image popped into my head. It was nothing like she expected. Gothic Horror. Really twisted and when I showed her my idea she said she was blown away. Ended up being a 4 book series and all the covers used the concept. Sometimes when trusted by an author it is an amazing feeling to have them tell you that you nailed their story.

What’s your most embarrassing moment?

I have too many to say. Probably being the only one in a 300 student college Sex class laughing at a joke about a pubic hair being a wild rabbit is up there.

What jobs have you done other than being an artist?

I work in the printing industry and have done everything you can think of in printing.

What is your dream project?

Tough question but I always like doing a series of covers that really stand out. Different than anything else out there.

Name three artists you’d like to be compared to.

For what I do I try not to compare. I’d love to be someone that people like.

Can you remember one of the first things you drew/sculpted/painted/photographed etc.? What makes it memorable?

I did a cartoon strip for college and the local newspapers. I remember it because it was the first time I did something art related that was completely me.

This being primarily an author’s blog, I would like to ask when you’ve designed any artwork for an author (cover image, maps, interior art - including font styles - etc.) how much harder is it to meet the demands of others?  How much of your own input goes into something like that?

All authors are different. Some have a specific idea in mind and no matter how hard you try you can’t match it. Others will trust an artists vision and let them just create something for their story. All authors are so close to their books because they are always so involved in them. For me I just want the author happy. Happy authors promote their books. But I have to admit I do love some authors that give me complete control.

Are there any new artists that have grasped your interest?

When I was Art Director at a few publishing houses I loved seeing new artists. Anne Cain was one. She is so extremely talented and an artist in the truest form. Loved seeing her grow. Kanaxa is another cover artist that has such talent and vision I am jealous of her. She just sees things so differently than other cover artists. I loved working with them.

What are your current projects?

Whatever comes my way. I am still doing a lot of covers in the Horror and Romance area and whatever else I can. I love it. Art is my escape from reality. Along with writing.

A few of the covers that Scott has done.




Sinister Grin Press Brings SciFi and Fantasy plus more Horror

Mirror Matter Press is a Science Fiction and Fantasy publisher that has some common ownership with Sinister Grin Press, but was never officially associated or related to Sinister Grin Press. Starting March 1st Mirror Matter Press will close and Sinister Grin Press will take over all publications, past and future, under the Sinister Grin Press label.

Sinister Grin Press will continue to bring to market limited edition collectable hard cover books and the trade paperback or digital horror that carved a smile on your face. Now with your help and patronage we will also bring exciting stories in science fiction, fantasy, crime, western and adventure to carve an even bigger smile into your face.

Below are a few of the books coming soon in all genres.

We hope you enjoy them as we continue this journey together.

Sinister Grin Press



Cover Reveal: Jonathan Janz and James H. Longmore

Sinister Grin Press brings you two new releases.

Jonathan Janz, brings his newest novel, Exorsict Falls.  

“One of the best writers in modern horror to come along in the last decade. Janz is one of my new favorites.” -Brian Keene

Chicago is gripped by terror. The Sweet Sixteen Killer is brutally murdering young women, and the authorities are baffled.
When the police are called to an affluent home in the middle of the night, they learn that a seemingly normal fourteen-year-old boy has attacked his family. The boy exhibits signs of demonic possession, and even more troublingly, he knows too much about the Sweet Sixteen killings. Father Jason Crowder, a young priest assigned to the case, must marshal his courage in order to save the boy and the entire city from the forces of evil.

But this is a darkness mankind has never encountered before. It craves more than blood. And it won’t rest until it possesses Father Crowder’s soul.

Jonathan Janz’s brand new release brings the original novella that started it all—Exorcist Road—and a brand-new full-length novel (Exorcist Falls) together for a shattering experience in supernatural terror.

Pre-order your Kindle version now, paperback and all other versions coming March 15th.


James H. Longmore, a new voice in bizarre, weird and extreme story telling brings his newest novel, Flanagan

“She’d screamed and cried and cursed as each and every one of his wife’s toes he’d chosen for amputation were snipped off and lay bleeding on the cracked tiles of that cheap motel bathroom floor. Nothing left now but ten raw, bloodied stumps. And they’d made him do it.”

Chris and Helen Sewell are your typical, all-American couple; happily married for ten years, respected high school teachers.

During their annual Spring Break vacation to recharge their batteries and reconnect with each other after undergoing a gruelling but unsuccessful fertility program, Chris and Helen are waylaid by a perverse gang of misfits in the small, North Texas town of Flanagan.

Taken hostage as the focus of the gang’s twisted games, Chris and Helen are forced to perform increasingly vicious acts of physical, sexual and emotional torture upon each other until events take an unexpected turn and there is an unintentional death. As their circumstance dissolves into chaos, the Sewells find themselves involved in a different situation altogether.

Pre-order your Kindle version now, paperback and all other versions coming February 18th.



Cover Reveal - We Are Always Watching by Hunter Shea

Last month, Sinister Grin Press was very excited to announce our publishing deal with the best selling and fan favorite author Hunter Shea. This is the first time Sinister will publish work by Shea, and as well, we are honored to publish his first limited edition! In January 2017, we’ll start the year off in horrific style by making WE ARE ALWAYS WATCHING available in a hardcover Limited Collector’s Edition. We’ll be offering the paperback and e-book versions a few months later.


Today we are anxious to reveal the cover for WE ARE ALWAYS WATCHING by Hunter Shea, with art and design by the amazing Zach McCain!


Here are some of Zach’s thoughts on his artistic progression and thoughts when making the cover…..


The direction I got for this cover was very simple and straightforward:  A run down farmhouse with a yard overgrown with weeds and the shadow of a person stretching out towards the house.  At first I didn’t think there was much I could with this and it reminded me of many covers I had seen from small press horror publishers years ago.


I started drawing the house straight on and large on the page.  Something about this started to look boring to me and I found myself struggling to continue.




At this point I decided to start completely over.  This time I would draw the house from an angle and looking slightly up at it.  And I decided to make it much smaller.




I felt much better about it after making the changes and quickly finished the pencil drawing portion of the cover.




I was still concerned about it looking like so many other similar covers that I had seen of a spooky house so I decided to give it a harder edge.  More “Texas Chainsaw” and less “Haunted Hill.”




The final step was adding the text.  It ended up being way better than I had originally expected it would.  I’ve found that if you aren’t “feeling it” then it is better to scrap it and start completely over than to continue with something that you aren’t confident with.




Thanks, Zach!

At Sinister Grin Press, we love how it turned out. Watch for more news to come on ordering the limited edition from our website. And as always, we welcome your visit to our site and your patronage. We hope to make 2017 our best year yet and continue to produce quality “horror that’ll carve a smile on your face.”


Cover Reveal - Blue Demon by David Bernstein

Cover Reveal

Blue Demon Gets Its Retro Fit

At Sinister Grin Press, we are so excited to release another book from fan favorite David Bernstein. Blue Demon was first available as a limited collector’s edition from Thunderstorm. Now, it will come out from SGP in print and e-book on December 15, 2016. You can pre-order now!


The cover design was done by the really cool and retro artist, Matt Davis. Isn’t it rockin?


“The creation of it was pretty basic, as far as my personal process goes. I create everything digitally, using Photoshop and a combination of painting and compositing elements after thoroughly researching the concept of the art and talking it over with the author or, in this case, the publisher” said Davis. “For this one, Sinister Grin wanted to see something that was as much bizarre as it was scary, to push the angle of the weird horror that the book presents. I’m a big fan of the strange and love the retro 80s aesthetic, with the neon and chrome, the glitched presentation, and Sinister Grin gave me a lot of liberties with it to which I’m pretty thankful. I think someone said the art would look amazing airbrushed on the side of a van. I think that would be awesome.”

If you like Matt’s work, more can be seen and he can be contacted at rockandhill.tumblr.com, which has samples of his covers, and xenonsisyphus.tumblr.com, which has some of his personal work.

Blue Demon, Synopsis –

When the meek need defending, they call on Blue Demon, a guardian of bloodshed and retribution. Its loyalty is forever, as long as you remain righteous. For those that oppress the demon’s flock, life grows short. It kills in the most brutal fashion, and maims those it most despises. It has no feelings, only loyalty and devotion for the ones it protects.
Of course, this is all from the Blue Demon television show and Cal Langston, Blue Demon’s biggest fan, knows such things can’t be real, at least not until the people who messed with him start dying in the most horrific of ways.

Frightened and not sure what to believe, he sets out to discover what is truly going on, and if Blue Demon is for real, does he want it watching over him?

Make sure to pre-order/order here!


Biography of David Bernstein

David Bernstein is originally from a small town in Upstate New York called Salisbury Mills. He now resides in NYC and misses being surrounded by chainsaw-wielding maniacs and wild backwoods people that like to eat raw human flesh. He’s grown used to the city, though hiding bodies is much harder there.


He is the author of Amongst the Dead, Damaged Souls, The Tree Man, Witch Island, Relic of Death, Apartment 7C, A Mixed Bag of Blood (short story collection), co-author in Jackpot, and the forthcoming Episodes of Violence (also from Sinister Grin Press). David writes all kinds of horror, from hair-raising ghost stories to gore-filled slashers and apocalyptic tales of terror.


He loves hearing from his readers. You can reach him on Facebook or on Twitter: @Bernsteinauthor. Visit him at his website.


Join us online at Sinister Grin Press.





Pulling Teeth with The Sisters of Slaughter

Pulling Teeth with Melissa Lason and Michelle Garza

Dubbed The Sisters of Slaughter by the editors of Fireside Press. sisters-of-slaughter

Where are you from?

Hades, some people call it Arizona.

Tell us your latest news?

We just finished a science fiction novel that was released in a kindle world. We also have a new hlegacy-fleetorror novel we’re working on and next year we’re working on more horror and dark fantasy.

What inspired you to write your first book?

We were inspired to write from listening to our dad tell us ghost stories and by our mom’s love of watching classic horror movies. Our first book we wrote when we were eight, it had a werewolf and ghosts in it.

What books have most influenced your life most?

We are heavily influenced by mythology but as far as fiction books we would say books like the dark tower and the Lord of the rings.

Are there any new authors that have grasped your interest?

Toneye Eyenot. Adam Cesare, Kevin Strange

Can you share a little of your current Sinister Grin Press work with us?

MayanBlue_FRONTMayan Blue was released on May 25 2016. It’s a brutal story about a group of people who find themselves thrust into the Mayan equivalent of Hell.

How did you come up with the title?

Mayan blue is the name of the pigment the Mayan’s used to paint things…like their human sacrifices.

Do you have any strange writing habits (like standing on your head or writing naked while eating peanut butter)?

We both have children so we’ve become accustomed to working amidst chaos. If it was quiet we probably wouldn’t know what to do. We do require snacks and coffee though.

Is there one subject you would never write about as an author? What is it?

There are things we prefer to elude to, like child molestation. The human mind can elaborate on its horror. We really dont have anything we absolutely wouldn’t write about and books that do go into detail don’t turn us off to the story. It’s the writer’s decision on the amount of details they want to add.

What is your biggest fear?

Our children being hurt…also cockroaches. cockroaches

What do you want your tombstone to say?

You’re standing on my boobs.

Do you dream? Do you have any recurring dreams/nightmares?

We have ordinary dreams of world domination.

Michelle has nightmares about sharks for some reason hahaha.


Pulling Teeth with Zach McCain

Pulling Teeth with Zach McCain pulling teeth

Zach McCain is an internationally published artist who is primarily known for his illustration and cover artwork in the horror and science fiction genres. He has worked on hundreds of books for numerous publishers. His work ranges from book and magazine illustration to graphic design, album art, DVD and poster work for films, and RPG games. Mediums often used are oils as well as pencil, ink, and digital. He sits down with us so we can pull some teeth.

You may not be familiar with Zach’s name but you have seen his work.

MayanBlue_FRONT 6 Savages_FRONT_LARGE 

Where are you from?

I was born in Corpus Christi Texas and grew up around San Antonio.  I’ve lived in various places around Texas throughout my life and currently live in El Campo Texas.

Tell us your latest news?

Unfortunately I’m unable to talk about my latest news at this point other than to say it’s movie related.  Aside from that I continue to do book covers and work on my comic book in my spare time.

What art do you most identify with?

I don’t identify with any particular art movement or style. If I had to pick an art form that I identify the most with it would probably be film.   The director I identify with the most would be Ridley Scott.   He’s not my favorite director but everything he says is something I’ve said before or was already thinking.

What work do you most enjoying doing?

I enjoy all of it.  Not really one thing in particular over the other.  It all has it’s own enjoyment.

Describe a real-life situation that inspired you?

I was very inspired by J. J. Abram’s Super 8.  It reminded me of what it was likesuper-8-3 to be a kid again.  After seeing it I had this overwhelming feeling that I could do anything that I wanted to.  The next day I starting writing my own comic book.

What’s your most embarrassing moment?

Too embarrassing to talk about.

What jobs have you done other than being an artist?

I worked small oil field jobs for awhile.

What is your dream project?

Anything Godzilla related.

Name three artists you’d like to be compared to.

I don’t really have an answer for that one.  I’m not really a fan of other illustrators and don’t know of that many so I can’t say who I’d like to be compared to.

Can you remember one of the first things you drew/sculpted/painted/photographed etc.? What makes it memorable?

I remember doing a watercolor painting of Godzilla when I was in kindergarten that got godzilla-breatheverybody’s attention.   That was the first thing that I remember.  I suppose what made it memorable was that the class and the teacher took notice of it but I didn’t think anything about it.

This being primarily an author’s blog, I would like to ask when you’ve designed any artwork for an author (cover image, maps, interior art - including font styles - etc.) how much harder is it to meet the demands of others?  How much of your own input goes into something like that?

I’ve never really had any issues.  My main goal is to make the author and publisher happy.  I’ve run into some bumps along the way but in most cases I don’t press too hard with my own input.

Are there any new artists that have grasped your interest?

No.  I’m not really a fan of artists in general.

What are your current projects?

I’m currently working on covers for different publishers and authors and am trying to get the second part of my comic book completed.   Staying busy.

Follow and find Zach on his website.

Find more of his artwork coming soon at Sinister Grin Press


Cover Reveal for Tim Reed and Summons of the Majestic

Mirror Matter Press, the sister press of Sinister Grin Press, is excited to release the beautiful and engaging cover for Summons of the Majestic, the first book in a fantasy series called The Eight Islands by UK author Tim Reed. We are thrilled to offer this series to readers and the book will release Dec. 1, 2016.


The cover and paperback artist Zach McCain drops by to explain his process in making the cover come together from sketch to grand finale.


The stage is yours Zach…..


The cover idea from the author for this book was very specific.  It called for eight silhouetted islands floating in the sky, a manta ray like creature flying up above with crows fleeing from it, and a white figure reaching up as if to touch the crows.  So the difficult part of the artwork was arranging all of those elements while still leaving room for the author’s name and title of the book.


One thing I found out right away was that a manta ray has such an odd shape that unless you are looking at it from above or below it can be difficult to make out.  So I opted for a straight-on shot in the original sketch.

After the sketch was approved I started on the actual drawing.  I realized that the manta ray creature in the sketch didn’t look very manta ray-like so I changed it to look more like the actual animal.




Once everything was finally in place I began coloring it.  In my mind I kept picturing the colors of a sunset.




I continued to darken areas to make the luminescent parts of the manta ray pop and adding more contrast to the overall image.




The final step was adding some small finishing touches to the creature and background and at last adding the text.




If you’d like to learn more about Zach, you can go to his website.


Next, we asked author Tim Reed his thoughts on his cover, Summons of the Majestic!


How do you feel about the cover design and how does it connect with your book?


A: The vision I had for the Summons of the Majestic cover is pretty much realized! The layout is spot on, with a stark, abstract feel to the imagery which I hope creates a sense of dream-like fantasy; this permeates through the narrative, with the protagonist Teepo venturing into other dimensional worlds and struggling with his own dreams, all in an effort to combat a growing darkness that threatens to finish off the remnants of the world. I also wanted to get simple depictions of the Eight Islands (series name and central to the book) on the cover, along with the dominant figure of the Crygale at the top. The latter is a symbol of the pitiless, alien domains that Teepo has to overcome and conquer in a forced quest to capture ‘Summons’. The contrast of huge monster and tiny human outline is something I am ecstatic with. It shows the monumental task that our hero has taken on. He is not much more than a boy…and yet has to somehow subdue and control many strong spirits.


What can readers look forward to with this series?


A: I hope there is plenty, but first and foremost it is a journey with a vulnerable young man who is being corralled into an almost hopeless task - to find a way to combat an ancient power because no-one else can. His mentor is not some Gandalf-esque wise man but a man driven by a selfish endgame. And our hero, Teepo, has to learn swiftly or die. He has led a life filled with self-doubt, so it will be interesting to see how he grows (or struggles) with the burden of responsibility (oh…and he has, let’s just say, an ‘interesting’ shadow that has a growing influence on his thoughts as he journeys). Lastly, each Summon he finds presents its own problems, along with a singular history, a unique set of skills and danger level. So, for those with a love of Hearthstone, Pokemon, and all things collectible monsters, there should be plenty to enjoy.


Summons of the Majestic, Synopsis


Teepo is an orphan and a boy who can Summon - a Gromancer. The problem is that his master, Dragma, is also a Gromancer. To have two in the same generation is a curse. And when a sacred tree sheds its leaves in their village, the curse deepens and doom is foretold. Teepo has but one option. Exile.

Together with his master, Teepo must venture out into the Eight Islands and follow the ancient Gromancer way. He must search for fifty spirits of elemental, physical and mental mind, in the fool’s hope of gaining a reprieve back to Paradise. But the way is near impossible. Darkness gallops on their heels; forgotten realms unzip themselves into reality; and the Darknova moves across the moon, heralding the return of an ancient evil.

Only with their shared bond can Teepo and Dragma hope to survive the gathering maelstrom. But after a while, as they gather forces around them, Teepo starts to suspect his master has an ulterior - more selfish - motive for collecting the Summons. If true, it could potentially leave Teepo alone as the last Gromancer alive…in a world stricken by chaos.


This is the first book in The Eight Islands series. You can pre-order your Kindle copy here.


Tim Reed, Biography


Tim Reed whittles the week away by frowning over reports as a technical editor, but once the moon rises, he transforms into a werebeast of writer proportions. He has gobbled classic and contemporary novels for many years and uses them as inspiration for his own writing, mainly in the horror, fantasy and sci-fi realms. He has been published several times in the short story and novella field, in the USA and UK, with works such as Spider From the Well and Running Free available as e-books on Amazon. One day, he dreams of forming his own Inklings club, creating his own Mythos or generally accepting $1 for film rights to any of his books. So no pressure.

In the meantime, he lives in relative tranquility with his wife in sunny London, musing on how to write messed-up weird fiction without having to resort to opium. He cites Tolkien, Blackwood, Herbert, Lovecraft and King as influences.

Outside of writing, Tim enjoys many hobbies - too many, for the writer within; these include most sports, being a snooty film buff, being an equally snooty theatre/museum goer, and building shrines to Bruce Campbell (one of these is untrue). He enjoys great food, good family and loves the little, peaceful things in life.


About Mirror Matter Press


Mirror Matter Press is the sister press of Sinister Grin Press. With common ownership, Mirror Matter Press focuses on Science Fiction, Fantasy, Pulp and other fictions not horror-related. Mirror Matter Press brings the best fiction to market from new and established writers and strives to immerse readers in new worlds.


Hunter Shea Signs Deal


Hunter Shea Signs Deal for First Hardcover Limited Edition with Sinister Grin Press

Austin, Texas—Sinister Grin Press is pleased to announce it will partner with acclaimed horror author Hunter Shea for his first limited edition hard cover collector novel, We are Always Watching. It is categorized as horror with elements of paranormal mystery. It should be available in January of 2017 through order on the Sinister Grin website. After the order period for the collector edition, it will also be available in paperback and e-book.

“I’m thrilled to find a new home at Sinister Grin Press, which has a stellar reputation for publishing top quality horror,” Shea said. “They have an amazing team who are true fans of the genre. I can’t wait to see the finished product for my first limited edition hardcover. That’s one to tick off the bucket list. Get ready for a whole new chapter!”

The team at Sinister Grin Press is looking forward to launching 2017 with We are Always Watching. “We are very excited to work with an author of his caliber as we are always striving to publish some of the best horror available in today’s market,” said Matt Worthington, co-owner and operating officer of Sinister Grin Press.

Shea is a best-selling author of 15 novels and novellas and a few short stories across multiple publishers. His video podcast, Monster Men, is one of the most watched horror podcasts in the world.

Sinister Grin Press continually works to give horror readers books that they can proudly spend their money on. It’s horror that’ll carve a smile on your face. To learn more about Sinister Grin Press, and to receive updates on books available or upcoming, please join us at sinistergrinpress.com or sign up for the newsletter.

Find Hunter Shea on his website.



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